“In My Shoes”: Health & Justice

Written by Jenni Carrick from the Health & Justice team at Phoenix Futures

“I work for the Health and Justice team, we are a small team of 6 covering, Mid Essex, South Essex, West Essex, and North Essex.

I began working with Phoenix Futures in November 2023. Prior to this I worked as a mental health support worker at HMP Chelmsford, I began this role after 20 years as a Funeral Director.

This is a varied role which consists of completing ATR and DRR assessments whilst holding a caseload of young people and Voluntary Attendees. Part of our role is carrying out ATR (Alcohol Treatment Requirements) and DRR (Drug Rehabilitation Requirements) This is a request from Essex probation service. It forms part of the client’s Pre-Sentence Report (PSR).

The ATR’s and DRR’s include information around the client’s substance use, including their history and current use of substances. It also includes any mental health and physical health concerns.

Harm reduction advise is always offered during the assessment to keep the client as safe as possible. Support is offered around finances’, employment and accommodation with referrals made to Full Circle and any other agencies should the client so wish. Signposting is also offered to external agencies such as AA CA and NA.

If at the end of the assessment, we feel the client’s offending behaviour is linked to their substance use, we will recommend the ATR/DRR, although the judge may pass a custodial sentence.

Most assessments are carried out over the phone. Some assessments are carried out whilst the client is remanded in custody, that being the case we must request a video link appointment with the prison to enable us to carry out the assessment.


The young people (YP) taken on to our caseload are between 10-17 years old and we offer face to face, in the community or over the phone support.

We support our YPs with a range of things which include, education, appointments, which we can attend with them. Referrals into other agencies, signposting. Harm reduction advise, suicide safety plans. The support is tailored to each client’s needs.


Voluntary Attendees are clients that have come through the justice system who have been asked to attend the police station for a Voluntary Interview around their alleged offence. This caseload mainly consists of people under investigation for online sexual offences. These clients are referred via Essex Police.

Support is usually offered over the phone, but we do offer face to face appointments in the community. The support consists of sharing information on how the justice system works, offering harm reduction advice, signposting to GP, support around mental health and signposting/referring to other agencies.

We also signpost to various support websites and give support phone numbers around their offending behaviour. We can also attend court with them if they require us to”

Jenni Carrick from the Health & Justice team at Phoenix Futures


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