New starters at Open Road

Meet the community engagement team

Pictured from left to right we have:

Emma Luck - West Essex

Jamie Mclennan - South Essex

Shelley Miles - Tendring

Megan Benfield - North Essex

and Amy Castles (not pictured) - Mid Essex

Megan shares a little bit more about her roles at Open Road:

“I'm Megan Benfield, the Engagement Co-Ordinator for Colchester Open Road. My role is to manage the volunteers, social media and the open access service for our centre. I am working to improve community engagement with the service, both with community members and other organisations. Currently I am working on recruiting and training volunteers and creating the infrastructure for our new open-access service which we hope to open in the coming months. This includes creating new groups, arranging external organization drop-in sessions and improving our facilities for clients. We have high hopes for how this will improve service-user experience and engagement with service”

Here are some photos from Open Road’s community engagement work:


Tips and Tricks: IT & Shortcuts


Meet Laura at Essex Recovery Foundation