An update from Phoenix Futures

OCAN contract update:  

Following completion of the tender process for the procurement of the Multiple and Complex Needs Service (currently Full Circle and Futures in Mind), we are delighted to announce that ECC Public Health have awarded the contract to Phoenix Futures. The service will essentially be an amalgamation of the Full Circle and Futures in Mind Services, but the Futures In Mind criteria will be changing to align more with Full Circle and include all ‘multiple needs’.  We will no longer have a sub-contractor but will continue to work collaboratively with our ever-growing list of partners.  The contract is a 5 years (with the option to extend to 9), and provides the opportunity to high quality and life enhancing support for the people we work with for years to come! 

More detail will follow over the coming months and we will undoubtedly be coming to partners and people who use our services to help review the provision and innovate, adapt and grow!  There will also be an official launch of the new service at some point in 2024 which all partners will be invited to so watch this space! 

“We are delighted to have successfully retained the contracts for our Full Circle and Futures in Mind services. These services have played a key role across the County since 2018 and have supported thousands of people during this time, with varying needs such as substance use, mental health, offending and criminal justice involvement. We are very excited to have the opportunity to develop these services over the coming years as well as support as many people as possible to live happier, healthier lives and fulfil their potential across the County of Essex.”  Mel Pellicci  

Full Circle: 

Did you know, Full Circle is one of seven services that Phoenix Futures deliver in Essex and works with adults within the criminal justice system to access the support services they need and any professional can refer into us.   

Full Circle have been recruiting for four new Dependency and Recovery Practitioners who will be based in Probation offices and supporting Probation Clients to access substance and alcohol treatment. We are delighted to announce that Harry Bond was successful in securing the post in North Essex and we have also now recruited to the post in West Bobby Smith will be joining the West team.  

Health and Justice: 

The Health & Justice Team is another Phoenix Service in Essex and works in partnership with EPUT & CRG Medical to deliver an integrated Liaison & Diversion service- support adults and young people through the justice process.   

The Essex Health & Justice team are delighted to be fully staffed for 2024, having recruited Mark Moule into our Clacton vacancy.

Mark is the new to the field and says, “I have enjoyed meeting lots of new people and everyone I have met has been really lovely”. Mark is excited to begin face to face work with clients.  .


An update from SHARP Braintree & Wickford