Welcome to the first newsletter!

Written by Jo Horgan at Essex Recovery Foundation

“Welcome to the first edition of our ‘Workforce Newsletter’, which has been created by the wonderful Workforce Development Group, who have been meeting since October last year and developing some great ideas to support the workforce in the incredible work you all do.  

Essex Recovery Foundation created the Workforce Development Group to offer an opportunity for staff to come together as one team, have space and time to reflect, feel heard, and contribute projects that will support your learning, development and wellbeing. So far, we have discussed training, created the newsletter and are also piloting a workshop series that delves into the why, what and how of the work you do. This is just the beginning and I am excited to think about what amazing things are yet come!

Thankyou to all the staff that have attended the group so far. You have been absolutely brilliant!  It has been such a pleasure to connect with you all and I am immensely grateful for all the positive energy you bring.

We welcome anyone who shares our passion for making Essex the best place to work in recovery. If you're interested in getting involved, please feel free to contact me at jo@essexrecoveryfoundation.org or my colleague Laura at laura@essexrecoveryfoundation.org.

And last but definitely not least I wanted to officially introduce Laura Mckeand into her new role as the volunteer engagement and workforce development support worker for Essex Recovery foundation. Laura is already doing amazing things and we feel very lucky to have her on the team!”

You can read an introduction from Laura herself here:


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